Specializing in speed, agility and strength training for soccer players between 7-18 years of age.

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Soccer Training Program

With over 30 years of soccer skills training, our coaches can teach the proper ball skills players need to advance and succeed in their sport.

An emphasis is placed on developing proper techniques with both feet allowing all players to continue to grow and play at their highest potential.

Once a certain level of proficiency has been established, our coaches will introduce the reaction/response training we are known for.

Our players develop exceptional ball skills as well as quick reaction with the ball allowing our players to unbalance even the best defenders and then blow by them to the goal.

We provide individual and small group training!

Player Costs:

Individual training:  $60.00 per hour

Small group (3-6 players) training:  $25.00 per hour per person

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soccer performance today.

Athletic Performance Academy teaches athletes proper running and direction change mechanics to increase their speed and agility.


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