Video analysis technology is used by thousands of professional coaches to provide richer, more engaging training for their athletes.

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Video Analysis

Sometimes athletes cannot get to us for training.  Maybe they live too far away, or their schedules are too tight with all that young athletes now have to do.

We can still help…

Most athletes are visual learners…meaning they learn best when they can watch themselves play.

We are now offering the most comprehensive video analysis in the market today.  Athletes or a responsible adult can now rent one of our SoloShot 3 video cameras.  Soloshot cameras have revolutionized the “film my child while he/she plays” world.  No longer do parents have to miss half the game because they are filming the ground and miss their child being amazing!

Soloshot pairs a small, hidden wearable GPS pod with their video camera allowing the player to be filmed wherever she/he goes.  Soloshot is your very own robotic cameraman!

Do you want to take video analysis to a whole new level?

We can take the video that was captured on your soloshot (or any other device) and offer your athlete a complete game analysis (a detailed report will be sent within 3 days of receiving the raw video).  We will evaluate the athletes speed and agility movement while playing their sport.  We can even evaluate sports skills for certain sports.  Currently we are offering sport skills analysis for soccer, basketball, lacrosse and field hockey.  Meaning you can now get an unbiased, professional opinion of a players first touch, their jump shot, their dodges and their stick skills to name just a few of the sports skills we can help with.

Through our professional and complete game analysis, players will also be able to download short, professionally produced, instructional videos that can be purchased for a low price, helping any athlete learn the proper movement or sport skill they are currently deficient in!

Video Analysis Packages (Cost):

Soloshot 3 camera rental:

Hourly Fee:  $49.00

½ day Fee:  $79.00

Full Day:  $99.00

Weekend: $149.00

Game Analysis:

Option 1) Up to 30 minutes of video to analyze:  $49.00

Option 2) 31 to 60 minutes of video to analyze:  $89.00

Option 3) 61 to 90 minutes of video to analyze: $125.00O

Bonuses available:

With the purchase of option 2 or 3 players will receive a FREE dynamic warm up (video) shown to help mitigate injuries. ($29.00 value)

With the purchase of Option 3. Players will receive (2) FREE instructional videos of their choice. ($20.00 value)

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